Fighting For Low Car Insurance Rates |
Fight Smart
I remember working for a preferred agency at one time. Although the rates were competitive for most drivers, sometimes I’d receive calls from shoppers who have had 2 or 3 violations on their record, all within the last year. After putting in some real time into finding the best company for this person I’d find they were still unhappy with price of the quote and for good reason… It’s not that easy to find low rates when you have that much activity on your driving record. After completing the quote process and explaining the coverage and rates, I remember hearing responses like, “You’re freaking crazy” or “In your dreams!”
Does the Agent have control of the price; should I fight with the Agent?
Sometimes it felt like customers think I had control of the rate when I really didn’t. Agents simply represent the companies they work for. Agents will simply put in the information given to them, apply as many discounts as they can and finally a premium will spit out to read off to the customer. The only way an agent can really lower the rate after it’s been processed is by doing something illegal such as misrepresentation; which will only get the agent fired and sometimes worse. I never got too concerned when my head became a shoppers lunch because I understand the frustration, especially from younger drivers who have no history but only their age working against them. With so many options out there if one agent cannot help you, jump to the next.
Become effective with a comparison shopping strategy. Those companies who advertise to a particular market usually have the best rates for that market. For example, if you have had a DUI or several tickets you may want to call companies who yell out, “SR22, NO PROBLEM!, LOW DOWN PAYMENTS” They want your business and are probably in the best position to offer you a lower price for the coverage you need.
Low Insurance and Security provides a no fight method to comparison shopping quotes online or with a local independent Agency. Simply fill out some details about yourself and your vehicle and then you can review rates of up to 12 different insurance carriers.