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    Will My Insurance Cover My Rental Car

    Is my rental car insured under my current policy? This is a question that often comes up by those who currently have an auto policy but are looking to rent a car for the weekend. Certain losses are covered but not all losses that can come from experiencing an accident, theft or vandalism of the rental. The best thing to do is call your current Insurer and see what exactly is covered.

    Many rental contracts you sign will show you are responsible for any and all damages dont to the vehicle during the time your rent it. So whether or not you are negligent in an auto accident, you are responsible for any damages to the car. So lets hope the other guy is insured if not a fault. One thing I know your current auto policy will not cover is the loss of revenue of the rental car. If the car gets crashed or stolen it no longer can earn money for the rental car company. You are responsible for this loss and your insurance company will not help you with this.

    Most times the rental car companies offer a policy a little more custom to the risks you face when renting a vehicle. Most times these policy’s are pretty cheap and will help you feel a little more comfortable. Nobody want’s to come back from vacation only to deal with an uncovered loss?

    Have you comparison shopped for auto insurance lately?
    Maybe its come to that time for a change.

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