If you live in a larger metro area you may be overpaying for your auto insurance. Larger metro cities have more people and more cars - thus more claims. There are lots of factors that go into rates - zipcode, type of vehicle, driving history, age of drivers, and even your insurance credit score. These factors create lots of gaps between carriers and the rates they offer.
Company A may favor one zipcode or one particular section of town. Company B may not and have higher rates. Most of the rate decision-making that goes into how a carrier determines their premiums in a zipcode is based past and recent claims history. If Company A finds claims frequency increasing in a particular zipcode, they might raise rates. If Company B finds that their past underwriting (clamping down on insuring bad drivers) has improved claims frequency in a zipcode, they may lower rates.
Even if your current rate has stayed the same, it is possible for other carriers to lower their rates and save you money. Also keep in mind that carrying higher deductibles (particularly on Collision) can lower your premiums.
The key for anyone seeking the best rate is to shop around. By utilizing an insurance shopping service such as low-insurance.org you will receive multiple insurance quotes from different carriers. And unless you get those different quotes it is nearly impossible to tell who can provide the best rate for you.
You cannot determine premiums from television advertisements. Only by requesting a quote can you find out who has the better rate for you.
Good Luck!