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Indiana Auto Insurance Quotes, Online Savings
The basic Car Insurance Requirements in Indiana are as follows:
Liability Insurance is a minimum requirement and a low cost car insurance option as long as the vehicle is not financed.
The liability Minimums are 25/50/10 (Bodily Injury and Property Damage)
25/50/10 Explained:
The first 25 represents $25,000, the maximum coverage for one person’s injuries, $50,000 for the total coverage for all injuries sustained in one incident and last but not least $10,000 for the property damage maximum coverage amount.
Indiana Car Insurance Laws:
Insurance proof is a requirement at registration and of course after an accident. The First Offense penalty is One year suspension of license and/or registration.
Indiana Auto Insurance Online
In search for auto insurance within Indiana, our website, not only will you stay up to date on the number of auto insurance discounts available, once you apply for a no-obligation car insurance quote, you will be able to compare rates online. Comparing insurance quotes is one of the best ways to save on your next auto policy.