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Compare Quotes for Low Cost Health Insurance

Health Insurance Online
With the continuous rise of health insurance rates, comparison shopping is one of the best methods used when searching for a health insurance solution for yourself or your family. One of the best ways to lower your health insurance rate is to minimize risk by living a healthy lifestyle. Seditious careers and convenient fast food restaurants can make this very difficult. Starting or continuing a healthier diet and exercise plan is a big step in the right direction for a brighter outlook on life as well as lower health insurance rates.

Individual and Family VS Employer-Sponsored

An individual or family health insurance policy is one purchased from an insurance company or government entity covering a single individual or the selected members of the family. When you purchase an individual or family health insurance policy, you become a member of an insurance group. Being enrolled within a group of this size, if 100 people came down with a serious illness, your rates most likely would not change to much due the fact that the group is large. If it were an employer-sponsored health insurance, being a smaller group, if someone happened to get a serious illness, rates could possibly double the following year.

Individual and Family Insurance plans in many cases can save more than traditional employer-sponsored plans.

Depending on how healthy you feel you are, you may save thousands by switching from employer-sponsored health insurance to individual/family. Your current employer may be able to reimburse you tax-free for the monthly premium. It’s also very convenient having your own health insurance company in the event you change jobs, especially if the policy covers you and your family.

When shopping for health insurance you’ll typically find two types which are Indemnity and Managed Care. Indemnity allows you to go to any physician you choose, but you’ll pay more. Managed care only allows you to go to physicians within a specific network, but you’ll usually pay less. Some managed care organizations are independent facilities with their own physicians and staff, while others contract with local physician practices and hospitals, negotiating costs for those patients participating in their plan.