Low Insurance and Security: Low Car Insurance Online,

Low Car Insurance Online

Arkansas Car Insurance

The basic Car Insurance Requirements in Arkansas are as follows:

Liability Insurance is a minimum requirement and a low cost car insurance option as long as the vehicle is not financed.

The liability Minimums are 25/50/25 (Bodily Injury and Property Damage) 25/50/25 Explained:

The first 25 represents $25,000, the maximum coverage for one person’s injuries, $50,000 for the total coverage for all injuries sustained in one incident and last but not least $25,000 for the property damage maximum coverage amount.

Arkansas Car Insurance Laws:
Insurance proof is a requirement when driving and at registration. The First Offense Penalty is a $250 fine.

Are you currently insured or have been insured during the past 30 days
(on any policy, for any vehicle) ?

To help you save more on insurance, we have researched a variety of companies to find the lowest auto insurance quote resources for our shoppers.

Arkansas Auto Insurance Information Post:

When is proof needed?

Of course proof the state minimum liability auto insurance is needed at all times when driving the vehicle. Proof will also be needed to acquire registration and in the event of transferring a title. It’s best to keep the insurance card and registration together in a convenient place inside the vehicle, not buried beneath a massive stack of paperwork shoved in the glove compartment. I personally keep mine together inside a check wallet within my middle console. This makes it very convenient in the event of being pulled over for a traffic violation. No officer wants to sit and wait for you to dig through paperwork to find your proof of insurance. If this happens, forget the idea of getting off with a warning.

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Did you know there is a low cost California car insurance program available for low-income drivers? Learn more about california car insurance.


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